about us
In the dryness and despair of today's age of humanism and faithlessness, God desires to bring life, healing and the miraculous. Ezekiel 47 shares the vision of the prophet: a river flowing out from under the doors of the Tabernacle of God and flowing out into a desert place. Everywhere the flow of the river went there was healing and life. Where there were no trees, trees grew. Once there was barrenness but life and fruitfulness appeared.
Friends, we don't need empty religion or social meetings called church. We need the powerful flow of God's Spirit in our families, communities, cities, our states, country and yes, our World! I invite you to a difference, a place of God-Seeking and hope. A place where anything can happen! A place where you belong!
Welcome to River City Pentecostals!
In His Grip,
Pastor Brandon M. Batten